Comparison between Himalaya liv 52 DS and Patanjali Liv Amrit
Research and Case Study conducted on 500 Patients in 2018 for a period of 12 months.
This case study included 500 patients who for 6 months were on a course of Liv 52 and remaining 6 months on Liv Amrit.
The patients showed indication of Fatty Liver, Jaundice, Excess Alcohol, Bodybuilding, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Hepatitis, Cancer Patients of chemo,
Patients at each month end were checked for the results of the course.
The patients who were already diagnosed with conditions like Hepatitis, Jaundice, Excess Alcohol consumption, Fatty Liver, then they have seen excellent recovery of liver using Patanjali Liv Amrit. Whereas Liv 52 DS did not have any effect whatsoever.
Those who had general digestion problem then Liv 52DS is definitely shown results.
Patients on chemo did not have any result from Liv52 DS. Once these patients started Liv Amrit there liver immediately started to recover from damage.
Alcoholic who had developed fatty liver had slow results but had to take a regular course of liv 52DS, where once changed to Liv amrit the diagnosis shown very good improved result just in 3 months and where told by Physician to stop course.
The Final outcome of the case study :
Liv 52DS: Can be used as Daily supplement, patients show little improvement for Hepatitis, Jaundice damaged liver, Chemo Patients, Fatty liver.
Liv 52 show improvement in digestion
No Side effects
Liv Amrit: Improvements are immediately visible and more effective.
Prolong use side effects has not been taken as major problems are treated in course time.
Medall Clumax Diagnostics Bengaluru, Karnataka, India